Pristy ActesPublication

A business application for the Publication of Administrative Acts

To help local authorities to comply with the French law “Engagement et proximité” of 27 December 2019 which came into application on 1ᵉʳ July 2022 we are launching a new application “Pristy : Publication des Actes Administratifs “ (Pristy Actes).

All the information are on the reform on La gazette des communes.*

A simple platform …

➝ for the publishing/archiving manager

Adding acts to a session is very simple:

  • Create your session.
  • Drag and drop your documents by category (deliberation (DE), regulatory acts (AR), individual acts (AI), contractual agreements and amendments (CC), budgetary and financial documents (BF), etc.) into the session.
  • Add annexes to acts that have them.
  • Your publicity page will be updated automatically!

➝ for the person consulting

We have created a consultation page, you can for example :

- integrate it on your website

- redirect to this page from your website

Tell us what integrates best with your system and we’ll help you install the most suitable solution.

➝ New: time-stamping of acts!

Now when published, the acts are stamped with the date of publication!

… enriched with documentation.

Software still under development

Pristy Actes Administratifs was born on May 19, in just a few weeks: we sought to meet an urgent need. However, it can be improved, and we have already had some feedback on features to add:

  • The possibility to restrict access to certain acts: Individual Acts (IA) are never published publicly
  • Integrate the [OCR option] ( already present in Pristy
  • Time stamp of the publication date

We are developing Pristy for local authorities, so if you think you are missing a need or a feature: contact us!

The early access version is available today.

Built on a solid foundation

The Pristy Administrative Documents application integrates seamlessly with Pristy for your users. Keep in mind that Pristy is based on the community version of Alfresco (free software) and integrates Collabora Online (free software office suite) - both powerful and reliable software. In order to have a nice and easy to use tool we have developed our application with a more adapted language.

How to order Pristy Actes ?

Discover our Pristy Packs dedicated to local authorities.

Pristy Actes Solo

✔ Administrative Acts interface
Pristy Espace (EDM)
Online editing

✔ OCR option (offered)
✔ Theme customization
✔ 20 users
✔ Future developments¹

from 1032€ per year²
or 86€ per month
¹ application Actes only
² launch price - early access version

Pristy Integral

✔ Administrative Acts interface
✔ Pristy Espace (EDM)
✔ Online editing
✔ OCR option (offered)
✔ Theme customization
✔ 20 users
✔ Future developments¹

from 1680€ per year¹
or 140€ per month
¹ launch price - early access version

Subscribe today and have your say on priority developments!

What’s next?

Pristy : Publication des Actes Administratifs is the first of the business applications that we are developing.

As a bonus, it incorporates the new Pristy interface: a faster and more user-friendly version! We don’t intend to stop there: other business applications are planned.