Pristy DemoDémo

Fill out this form to try Pristy

Try Pristy !

Fill out this form to access our demo plateform.

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Our test platform is a sandbox, do not store any data. Do not add sensitive data.

Your account will be deactivated after 30 days and deleted after 2 months.

Do not add content larger than 2GB. Content uploaded to Pristy Demo can be deleted at any time.

The Pristy demo includes Collabora Online for online edition.

The information collected on this form are saved in a file processed by Jeci (4, rue Bartet - 21110 FAUVERNEY,, +33 9 72 38 21 92) in order to respond to your request for contact. To find out more about the management of your personal data and to exercise your rights, please refer to the notice attached to this link. The data marked with an asterisk in the questionnaire must be provided. Otherwise we will not be able to contact you. By filling in this form, you agree to the information entered being used for the purpose of the contact request.