
Discover the different solutions & modules of Pristy

Pristy (and Alfresco) solutions & add-ons

Pristy wants to be an easy-to-use EDM that allows simultaneous editing. All online, with easy-to-use features.


Pristy Audit Trail

Audit trail application: capture application usage trails and use them to generate graphs and other visualisations.


Pristy's features

Discover the different functionalities of Pristy


Edit online with Collabora Online

Découvrez différentes fonctionnalités d'édition en ligne dans Pristy


OCR features

Discover Pristy's automatic OCR functionality: character scanning and search indexing!


Pristy in your image

Pristy with the image of your company or local authority: logo, colours, domain name, etc.

Ready to start?

Ask us for a quote from the pricing page or order now on the OVH marketplace.

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