Pristy EspacesEspaces

The free and french drive

Pristy Espaces is a constantly evolving application, which has been in a stable version since December 2022.

Pristy Espaces allows you to consult and edit content as a team. In the Pristy offering this interface has replaced Pristy ACA.

We are developing a modern and user-friendly interface.

Une modern interface

A menu of your favourites

In your menu: your favourite spaces and documents at your fingertips!

A pdf view

Two pages in parallel or one page in immersion, it’s up to you!

Online editing

With Collabora Online, edit your office documents directly in Pristy and simultaneously.

Work on the same document at the same time, wherever you are!

Upcoming features

A beta version means constant evolution! Pristy is evolving fast and we have lots of ideas!

In our roadmap we have amongst others :

  • Electronic document signature
  • Sharing and publishing by basket and repository
  • Integration of simple workflow

To find out more, visit our complete roadmap.